Structured Teaching – Observation Form
Observer:___________________ Date: ______________________ Physical Structure (1=not very true, 5=very true) 1 2 3 4 5 A. Classroom is divided into several distinct areas/activity centers. B. Clear visual boundaries are used to define separate areas/activity centers. C. Children have a well-defined location in which to […]
Recording Sheet – Within an Activity
Student’s Name: _________________________ Teacher(s): ________________________ Behavior/Skill: _____________________________________________________________ Goal: ___________________________________________________________________ Date Activity Prompt Required for Success Teacher Initials Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys […]
Recording Sheet – 1:1 Controlled Setting
Student’s Name: _________________________ Teacher(s): _____________________________ Behavior/Skill: ____________________________________________________________ Goal: ____________________________________________________________________ Date # Trials #at criteria Prompt Required for Success Teacher Initials Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind […]
Recording Sheet – Group Instruction
Student’s Name: _________________________ Teacher(s): ________________________ Behavior/Skill: ____________________________________________________________ Goal: ____________________________________________________________________ Date Activity Prompt Required for Success Teacher Initials Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind […]
Recording Sheet – Independent Work
Student’s Name: _________________________ Teacher(s): ________________________ Behavior/Skill: ____________________________________________________________ Goal: ____________________________________________________________________ Date Activity Prompt Required for Success Teacher Initials Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind Verb Vis/Ges Phys Ind […]
Behavior Analysis Worksheet
Teacher Presenting Case: __________________ Child’s First Name:________________________ Form completed by: ______________________ Behavioral Description from Teacher Description of behavior (What is the specific behavior problem? In what situations does it commonly occur? How often does it occur?): Description of child (What is the child’s age? How does he/she communicate? What are some things […]
Activities for Teaching Behavior Management
I. Theories of Behavior 1. Observe a child trying to complete a task (e.g., toileting, completing a puzzle, etc.) Write a list of all of the discrete behaviors which are linked in the completion of that task. Observe another child completing that task and record for each step if the child performed the task independently […]
Physical/Visual/Task Description Worksheets
Free Play/Leisure Time Physical Structure: Visual Structure: Task Organization: Transition Times Physical Structure: Visual Structure: Task Organization: Individual Work Physical Structure: Visual Structure: Task Organization: Circle Time/Group Activities Physical Structure: Visual Structure: Task […]
Action Plan for Teachers of Students with Autism
Review IEP and Assessment Information Conduct Functional Assessments to Determine Skill Level and Identify Supports Set/Revise Goals and Objectives Develop a Teaching Plan (i.e., determine instructional settings, identify teaching techniques, choose method of data collection) Structure the Classroom Environment Create Individual and Classroom Schedules
I. Assessment A. Learner (child-focused) 1. What are the learner’s strengths? 2. What motivates the learner? 3. What are the relevant tasks/lessons to be taught? 4. What is the learner’s skill level relative to the task? 5. What’s the most appropriate method for teaching this learner this skill at […]
Child Review and Assessment by Teacher
Step 1: Teacher Reviews Existing Information (and IEP) 1. How old is the student? 2. What is the student’s diagnosis? 3. What is the student’s estimated developmental age? 4. What is the student’s estimated receptive language age? 5. What is the student’s estimated expressive language age? 6. Does the child currently use an adaptive communication […]
Behavior Management Survey
Parent’s Name: ____________________ Date: _________ Child’s Name: ____________________ Date of Birth: ________ Age: ____ 1. Which of the following skills does your child need help with? (check all that apply) a. Social Skills: ___ increasing eye contact ___ playing near other children ___ playing with other children ___ sharing/turn-taking ___ waiting ___ remaining […]