Autism: For Teachers – Play

Play is a wonderful aspect of every life, but can be especially important to a child with an autism spectrum disorder because of its positive impact on socialization skills. Learn how to use play as part of an effective teaching strategy here.

Autism: For Teachers – Structured Teaching

A “structured teaching” approach will provide the consistent routine and education environment that enable students with autism spectrum disorders to feel safe and secure, a necessary antecedent to learning. The resources in this section will help you develop and implement your own structured-teaching practice.

Toileting Aids and Resources

Websites for information and supplies: Sinkems Dissolvable Toilet Targets:  “” Tinkle Toonz Musical Potty:  “”  provides lots of information on alarm use Books for Children: The New Potty by Gina Mayer; Golden Books, 1992. What Do You Do With a Potty by Marianne Borgardt ( a pop-up book). Uh Oh! Gotta Go! By Bob […]

Autism: For Practitioners – Down Syndrome

A dual diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome can present unique challenges. This information will clarify the issues and identify positive responses.

Autism: For Practitioners – Family Care

Resources for practitioners to share with parents when explaining a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder and its potential impact on the lives of both the child and family members.

Tips for Toilet Training

Toilet training can be a very challenging experience for both parents and children.  Although the process is often handled in different ways for different children, here are a few general tips to keep in mind as you pursue this important skill: Before you begin:  Team up with your child’s teachers and/or therapists so that everyone […]

Toileting Data Sheet

Home or School (circle one) Date Time Urinates (U) or Bowel Movement (B) In pull-ups (P) or in toilet (T) Was the alarm in use? (yes or no) Reward given (describe)                                                 […]

Surviving Mental Illness


If you’ve ever wondered how to effectively deal with mental illness, Jessie Close has a lot to tell you. Her new book, Resilience: Two Sisters and a Story of Mental Illness, offers a heartbreaking, honest description of her 40 years of personal experience. Jessie, the sister of actress Glenn Close, has experienced decades of great […]

Seven Ways to Be More Effective


The late, best-selling author Steven Covey wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People back in 1989, but he believed the depth and breadth of societal changes and challenges that had taken place between when the book first came out and and our current lives made the habits he described even more relevant today. People […]

Making and Mastering Habits


There are good habits and bad habits. The challenge is to keep your good habits and stop the bad ones.  But that’s easier said than done. Habits simplify life, allowing you to do things without having to put energy into thinking about them. The brain makes a behavior into a habit whenever possible. “Because I […]