How to Get Unstuck at Work
In 2010, a rather surprising research finding was uncovered at the Change Anything Labs. A whopping 87 percent of the folks we surveyed said they had bosses who’ve prevented them from getting the pay, promotions, or other opportunities they wanted because of a concern they’ve had about their performance.1 From within this same population, close […]
Fulfill Your Potential By Examining Your Mindset
You may think your success is determined by your intelligence, experience, environment, or even your personality. But research suggests that it’s your point of view – your mindset – that may be the key. The mindset you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life, says Carol Dweck, PhD, author of Mindset: […]
Learning to manage your life more effectively
Learning to manage your life more effectively Meeting life’s challenges with resilience Some people call it having thick skin. For others, it’s “resilience.” No matter what term you use, developing the ability to overcome life’s setbacks, problems, stress, hassles and challenges can clearly enrich your life. More than 50 years of research shows that resilience […]
Gratitude Quotes

What are your favorite gratitude quotes? We’ve all heard that “an attitude of gratitude” can be a powerful de-stressor, especially on those days (or weeks or months) where it seems like the whole world is against you and you need comfort more than anything else. That’s where gratitude quotes come in. What if you need […]
Eliminating Life Clutter
Your closet may be a mess, but what does your life look like? It may be time to shed your objects and obligations with an eye toward something greater than just throwing things out. You can learn to simplify your space and your life, focusing on what you need to move forward. That’s the theme […]
Setting – and Achieving – Goals

You may have heard the old saying, “Nothing succeeds like success.” While true, it can be frustrating. How do you get your first big win anyway? According to Heidi Grant Halvorson, PhD, author of Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals, research shows there are a broad range of things you can do and attitudes […]
Embracing Vulnerability
Most of us have spent a good part of our lives trying to avoid feeling vulnerable. But learning to instead embrace that feeling can actually bring us closer to experiences that add purpose and meaning to our lives, according to Brené Brown, PhD. Brown, author of Daring Greatly, writes that vulnerability is uncertainty, risk and […]
Can You Learn to Be Kind to Yourself?
Do you ever feel like your sense of self-worth goes up and down like a ping-pong ball, depending on whether you’re feeling successful or more like a failure? Do you sometimes tell yourself “nobody’s perfect,” but you don’t really believe it? You might benefit from developing what is called “self-compassion.” It’s learning to be kind […]
Gratitude Quotes to Get You Started
One of the most effective ways to bring more happiness into your life is to appreciate the good that’s already present. To help you get started, we’ve assembled a list of our favorite quotes on the importance of recognizing life’s gifts. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is […]
Being True to Yourself – In This Moment
Ask yourself how often you experience life, rather than going through the motions, pretending to feel differently than you do, engaging in distractions, chasing altered states, trying to cooperate with someone else’s agenda, or wanting everyone to understand you and your problems. Imagine releasing yourself from that facade and opting instead for an encounter with […]
Learning How to Trust and Honor Your Own Voice
You have to love, respect, and honor yourself (and others) before you can really tackle reaching your unique potential. This is not to say that the ones you love aren’t important, that spirituality doesn’t matter, or that others don’t have wisdom you need. Instead, it’s simply to point out that you have been gifted with […]
Self-Leadership: Choosing Your Best Life
If you want your life to be better, the reality is that you can change only one person’s approach to life – YOURS! If you have stopped working hard at understanding and taking care of yourself in favor of pleasing, changing, or controlling others, avoiding failure, or focusing on how miserable your life is, you […]