Devices to Help with Self-Regulation (2013)

Portable, wearable monitor for arousal levels:  iCalm system may also be called the Q sensor; this is the highest tech, most complex system; For video: Biosensor developed at MIT, see website for free windows download: Description of sensors and links to company that is creating them for commercial use: Affectiva’s announcement for […]

Assessment Activity #1: Development and Learning Skills

Form two groups consisting of three trainees each.  Assign each group a different child and a developmental area to assess.  Allow the groups time to prepare the activities for the assessment, to gather the materials, and to develop a sheet to score the items Pass, Emerge, or Fail. Assign different roles within each group for […]

Assessment Activity #2: Task Analysis

Form two groups consisting of three trainees each.  Have each group process the activity using the following discussion questions (attached), then have the individual groups report back to the large group.  Each group should select a “reporter” for this process. Group A:  Paulette, Donna, Missy           Child:          Assessment area:         Trainer: Group B:  Robin, […]

A-B-C Worksheet

Steps: 1) Choose one behavior to observe. Example:  Tantrums 2) Define/describe that behavior clearly on the top of the form.Example:  “Tantrums — a tantrum begins when Jon throws his body onto the floor, shakes his arms and kicks his legs, makes loud noises, and rolls his body from side to side.  A tantrum ends when […]

A Guide to Prevention and Intervention

Assess the child’s preferences, dislikes, strengths, deficits, and motivations prior to developing a behavioral intervention. Use a data-based problem-solving approach to behavior management which incorporates observation, analysis, and on-going evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention. Teach the child a functional way of communicating how to get attention, how to obtain a desired object or sensory […]

Basics of Behavior and Behavior Change

What is behavior? Behavior is defined as the observable actions performed by an individual; it is what a child does and is usually expressed in verbs (e.g., runs, jumps, waits, requests).  For our purposes, there are two kinds of behavior, positive and negative: By negative behavior, we mean those things that a child does that […]

Behavior Plan Worksheet

Child’s Name: ___________________     Observer: __________________ Target Behavior: ______________________________________________ Definition: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Estimated frequency of behavior per hour:   Initial goal for behavior reduction (e.g., reduce by 50%, reduce to 5 per hour, etc.):   Situations where behavior tends to occur:   Situations where behavior does not tend to occur:   Primary function/motivation:   Adaptive […]

How to Employ Intervention Techniques for Reducing Problem Behavior

Step 1.  REINFORCING THE ABSENCE OF A NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR 1.  Clearly define the negative behavior and begin the assessment process to determine the function, frequency, duration, antecedents and consequences, etc. 2.  When you observe the child doing anything but the negative behavior, provide additional attention, tangible objects, stimulation, or escape from tasks or environments.  Use […]

How to Use Reinforcers to Reward Appropriate Behavior

  Definition:  A reinforcer is an item or event that follows a behavior and increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again.  Reinforcers are rewards for appropriate behavior.  Reinforcers will differ from child to child, and will vary over time. Here’s a step-by-step method for using reinforcers to increase appropriate behavior: 1.  Identify a […]

Influences on Behavior: A Worksheet

  Child:  _____________________             Observer: ________________ Date/Time:   _________________            Setting:  _________________ Target Behavior: _____________________________ Definition of Behavior:  ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________             Behavior can be influenced by three factors:  the child’s characteristics, the features of the environment, and the characteristics of the child’s interactive partner.  Which of the following characteristics of autism/PDDNOS might influence this behavior?  (check all […]