Autism: For Family & Friends

A collaboration between JFK Partners, University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, and WebPsychology, the Family & Friends section of the Autism Knowledge Center brings together practical information, insights, and resources for parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends of individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

Autism: For Teachers

A collaboration between JFK Partners, University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, and WebPsychology, the Teachers section of the Autism Knowledge Center brings together practical information, insights, and resources for K-12 teachers. Find information here related to classroom management, behavior modification, communication, EID, and more.

Autism: Family & Friends – Behavior

Family and friends can explore the resources here to learn proven behavior management techniques for helping individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.

Assessment in Developmental Disabilities: Tools

Assessment in Developmental Disabilities A Lecture for NSP Special Topics Course NRSC 7670 OV1 (Course Director:  K. Gardiner) February 5 & 7, 2013 Presented by Susan Hepburn, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Associate Professor Departments of Psychiatry & Pediatrics/JFK Partners/University of Colorado     DEVELOPMENTAL/INTELLECTUAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS (sequenced developmentally) 1.  The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) (Bricker […]

Tools for Assessing Autism Symptoms and Relevant Features

AUTISM SYMPTOM CHECKLISTS – (EDUCATOR OR PARENT REPORT)   Infant-Toddler Checklist (ITC) Description:  The Infant-Toddler Checklist (ITC; Wetherby & Prizant, 2002) is a 25-item checklist that was developed out of the SCERTS model and is very well attuned to the communicative aspects of ASD in young children.  Designed and validated in a large community sample […]

Go Ahead and Ask: Telephone Calls

Question:  My 8-year old son with autism is usually very easy-going; however, he has a fit every time I talk on the telephone.  He screams and yells and throws himself on the floor, so I have to hang up immediately and make sure he’s okay.  As soon as I go to him, he stops. He […]

Autism and the Family

Autism is clearly a disorder that affects the functioning of the child with the diagnosis.  It also profoundly affects the entire family — parents, siblings, and the extended family.  Recognizing and coping with these effects is an important process for family members not only to care effectively for the child with autism, but also for […]

Difference Between Education Identification and Medication Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

What is the difference between a medical diagnosis and an educational identification of an Autism Spectrum Disorder? Different criteria and outcomes:  Educational identification and clinical diagnosis are two very different processes, which, as summarized in Table 1 (below), rely upon different definitions of ASD and provide information for different contexts.  The two systems are not […]

Thinking Developmentally About Signs of ASD

Autism is a developmental disorder, meaning that the child’s pattern of growth across areas of development is uneven, with different skills growing at different rates than each other.  For example, you may observe a 2-year-old decoding words in books, but not speaking spontaneously.  Some skills even seem to develop in a different sequence than in […]

ASD Symptoms’ Impact on Student’s Educational Performance

How can behaviors associated with ASD impact a student’s educational performance? We suggest that the concept of “impact on a student’s educational performance” can be thought about by considering these 4 aspects of the public education experience which are highly valued in IDEA and other relevant legislation and policies: Health/Safety Some features of ASD pose […]

ED ID Process Step-by-Step

Step 1: An Administrator identifies students who require an educational evaluation (either to update previous eligibility or to determine a more appropriate eligibility category for a student) and confers with the student’s educational team to plan the process Step 2:  A lead member of the educational team contacts the parents/guardians to obtain permission to conduct […]

EI Process from Educator’s Viewpoint

INVESTIGATE REVIEW student’s educational file and any available data on performance and behavior ASK teachers and parents to complete a behavioral checklist or 2 that is appropriate for this particular student INTERACT with the student, providing chances for you to observe specific social, communication, and play behaviors   SYNTHESIZE the information you’ve obtained, through conversations with […]