Healing Trauma

War. Rape. Fear. Violence. Molestation. Sexual assault. According to Bessel van der Kolk, MD, incidents involving emotional trauma and toxic stress are far more common than people generally understand. Since 2001, he says, far more Americans died due to family violence than in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Women are twice as likely to […]
Are You an Introvert in an Extrovert’s Career?
Quit your job as a TV anchor and get a degree in library science. But if TV anchoring is what you love, then create an extroverted persona to get yourself through the day. -Susan Crain, Quiet It may have taken you awhile to realize you’re an introvert. Perhaps you discovered how much you enjoy solitary “think time.” […]
Don’t Let Imposter Syndrome Hold You Back
Does this sound familiar? You love your boss, the CEO. He’s the smartest, fairest, least ego, most supportive leader you’ve ever worked for, and you trust his judgment – business and otherwise – completely. And you love your career, which has provided many opportunities to work on cool projects, with teams of knowledgeable individuals, to […]
What Motivates You, and Why It Matters

Daniel Pink, the guy who coined the term “free agent” and literally wrote the book about working independently (Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself/Business Plus, 2002), recently wrote another book that identifies what motivates us – and it’s not what most employers think. In Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, […]
Are You Master or Victim of Your Own Mind?

“Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame.” – Erica Jong Do you feel annoyed when people complain? If so, it turns out there’s a good reason why. Listening to too much complaining is bad for your brain in multiple ways, according to Trevor Blake, an […]
7 Ways to Rock the Second Half of Your Career
Find yourself sliding down that slippery slope from engaged, curious, enthusiastic professional to defensive, change-resistant, entitled old geezer? At best, it’s really hard to deliver your best stuff when you’ve got a big neon “Stop All This Change Stuff Now!” sign flashing on your forehead. At worst, you may actually be putting your job in […]
Obesity: How Can It Be Treated
Successful weight-loss treatments include setting goals and making lifestyle changes, such as eating fewer calories and being physically active. Medicines and weight-loss surgery also are options for some people if lifestyle changes aren’t enough. Set Realistic Goals Setting realistic weight-loss goals is an important first step to losing weight. For Adults Try to lose 5 […]
Obesity: What Causes It
Lack of Energy Balance A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your energy OUT. Energy IN is the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things like breathing, […]
Obesity: Signs and Symptoms
Do you need to lose weight? Have you been thinking about trying a weight-loss program? Diets and programs that promise to help you lose weight are advertised everywhere—through magazines and newspapers, radio, TV, and websites. Are these programs safe? Will they work for you? This fact sheet provides tips on how to identify a weight-loss […]
Trauma: How Can It Be Treated
Trauma can be treated. A doctor or mental health professional who has experience in treating people with trauma can help you. Treatment may include “talk” therapy, medication, or both. Treatment might take 6 to 12 weeks. For some people, it takes longer. Treatment is not the same for everyone. What works for you might not work […]
Trauma: What Causes It
Living through or seeing something that’s upsetting and dangerous can cause major Trauma. This can include: Death or serious illness of a loved one War or combat Car accidents and plane crashes Hurricanes, tornadoes, and fires Violent crimes, like a robbery or shooting. There are many other things that can cause Trauma. Talk to your doctor […]
Trauma: Signs and Symptoms
How do I know if you are experiencing Trauma? Your doctor can help you find out. Call your doctor if you have any of these problems for at least 1 month: Suffering from bad dreams Feeling like the scary event is happening again (flashbacks) Experiencing scary thoughts you can’t control Staying away from places and […]