Quit Smoking: What Causes It

Smoking is an addiction. Tobacco contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive. The nicotine, therefore, makes it very difficult (although not impossible) to quit. In fact, since the U.S. Surgeon General’s 1964 report on the dangers of smoking, millions of Americans have quit. Still, approximately 484,000 deaths occur in the U.S. each year from smoking-related illnesses. This […]

Quit Smoking: Risk Factors

The chemicals in tobacco smoke harm your heart and blood vessels in many ways. For example, they: Contribute to inflammation, which may trigger plaque buildup in your arteries. Damage blood vessel walls, making them stiff and less elastic (stretchy). This damage narrows the blood vessels and contributes to the damage caused by unhealthy cholesterol levels. […]

Psychotic Disorders: How Can It Be Treated

By definition, psychotic symptoms go away on their own in less than 1 month. In some cases, brief psychotic disorder can be the beginning of a more chronic psychotic condition, such as schizophreniaor schizoaffective disorder. Antipsychotic drugs can help decrease or stop the psychotic symptoms. Talk therapy may also help you cope with the emotional stress that […]

Psychotic Disorders: What Causes It

Brief psychotic disorder is triggered by extreme stress, such as a traumatic accident or loss of a loved one. It is followed by a return to the previous level of function. The person may or may not be aware of the strange behavior. This condition most often affects people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. […]

Psychotic Disorders: Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of brief psychotic disorder may include the following: Disorganized behavior False ideas about what is taking place (delusions) Hearing or seeing things that aren’t real (hallucinations) Strange speech or language The symptoms are not due to alcohol or other drug abuse and they last longer than a day, but less than a month. Exams […]

Personality Disorders: How Can It Be Treated

At first, people with these disorders usually do not seek treatment on their own. They tend to seek help once their behavior has caused severe problems in their relationships or work. They may also seek help when they are struggling with another mental health problem, such as a mood or substance abuse disorder. Although personality […]

Personality Disorders: What Causes It

Cause of personality disorder (PD) is unknown. Genetic, family, and social factors are thought to play roles. Risk factors for PD include: Abandonment in childhood or adolescence Disrupted family life Poor communication in the family Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse PD tends to occur more often in women and among hospitalized psychiatric people.

Personality Disorders: Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms vary widely depending on the type of personality disorder. In general, personality disorders involve feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that do not adapt to a wide range of settings. These patterns usually begin in adolescence and may lead to problems in social and work situations. The severity of these conditions ranges from mild to severe. […]

Delusional Disorder: How Can It Be Treated

A challenge in the treatment of delusional disorders is that most patients have limited insight, and do not acknowledge that there is a problem. Most patients are treated as out-patients, although hospitalization may be required in some cases if there is a risk of harm to self or others. Individual psychotherapy is recommended rather than […]

Delusional Disorder: What Causes It

The cause of delusional disorder is unknown, but genetic, biochemical and environmental factors may play a significant role in its development. Some people with delusional disorders may have an imbalance in neurotransmitters, the chemicals that send and receive messages to the brain. There does seem to be some familial component, and social isolation, immigration (generally […]

Delusional Disorder: Signs and Symptoms

The following can indicate a delusion: The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force. That idea appears to have an undue influence on the patient’s life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent. Despite his/her profound conviction, there is often a quality of secretiveness or suspicion […]

Grief and Loss: How Can It Be Treated

Family and friends can offer emotional support during the grieving process. Sometimes outside factors can affect the normal grieving process, and people might need help from: Clergy Mental health specialists Social workers Support groups The acute phase of grief usually lasts up to 2 months. Milder symptoms may last for a year or longer. Psychological […]