Autism: Living With It

Living With Autism Spectrum Disorder After your child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), you may feel unprepared or unable to provide your child with the necessary care and education. Know that there are many treatment options, social services and programs, and other resources that can help. Some tips that can help you and […]

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Awakening From the Trance of Unworthiness

During high school, I consciously struggled with not liking myself, yet it was during college that I became distressed by the intensity of my self-aversion. On a weekend outing, a roommate described her inner process as “becoming her own best friend,” and I broke down sobbing, overwhelmed at the degree to which I was unfriendly […]

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Steps for Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

Today I went to the nearby grocery store and passed by the section where they have day old bread and dented and damaged goods.  It brought to mind how many individuals view themselves as damaged goods.  The price mark-down shelves were an additional example of how we can make ourselves feel of lesser value than […]

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Adolescence, Sexuality, and Safety in Children with Disabilities and Autism: Parent Education Resources

Books “Sex Education for Parents of Children with Autism” Mark Steege and Shannon L. Peck (2002) – Available @ “Taking Care of Myself – A Healthy Hygiene, Puberty and Personal Curriculum for Young People with Autism” Mary Wrobel (2003) – Available @ “Girls Growing up with Autism Spectrum – What Parents and Professionals […]

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Devices to Help with Self-Regulation (2013)

Portable, wearable monitor for arousal levels:  iCalm system may also be called the Q sensor; this is the highest tech, most complex system; For video: Biosensor developed at MIT, see website for free windows download: Description of sensors and links to company that is creating them for commercial use: Affectiva’s announcement for […]

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Helping Less Verbal Youth with ASD Manage Strong Emotions

Learning Objectives: Participants will recognize how the biological features of ASD make coping (or self-regulation) very challenging, especially when a person doesn’t have easy access to language. Participants will increase awareness of the behavioral signs of escalating anxiety in youth with ASD. Participants will learn about a variety of strategies and resources that can be […]

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Tools for Assessing Autism Symptoms and Relevant Features

AUTISM SYMPTOM CHECKLISTS – (EDUCATOR OR PARENT REPORT)   Infant-Toddler Checklist (ITC) Description:  The Infant-Toddler Checklist (ITC; Wetherby & Prizant, 2002) is a 25-item checklist that was developed out of the SCERTS model and is very well attuned to the communicative aspects of ASD in young children.  Designed and validated in a large community sample […]

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Healing Trauma

War. Rape.  Fear. Violence. Molestation. Sexual assault. According to Bessel van der Kolk, MD, incidents involving emotional trauma and toxic stress are far more common than people generally understand. Since 2001, he says, far more Americans died due to family violence than in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Women are twice as likely to […]

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Sexual (Dysfunction) Issues: How Can It Be Treated

If you have ejaculation problems caused by physical conditions, your GP should be able to suggest possible treatment options. Treating ejaculation problems caused by psychological factors can be more challenging, but most men who persevere with treatment have successful outcomes. Premature ejaculation Self-help There are a number of things you can try yourself before seeking […]

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Sexual (Dysfunction) Issues: What Causes It

What causes erectile dysfunction? “A variety of things cause it. Some psychological and some physical,” says Dr Tomlinson. “Psychological issues tend to affect younger men, such as first night nerves and so on. Often, these problems don’t persist. But there can be more serious psychological problems about sex that need the help of a psychosexual […]

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Sexual (Dysfunction) Issues: Signs and Symptoms

It’s estimated that one in 10 men has a problem related to having sex, such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Dr John Tomlinson of The Sexual Advice Association explains some of the causes, and where to seek help. “Sexual dysfunction in a man is when he’s not able to perform properly,” says Dr Tomlinson. “The main problem is […]

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