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Featured Articles
10 Steps to Preventing Problem Behaviors
1. Apply Your Knowledge of the Child 2. Use the Problem-Solving Approach to Behavior Change 3. Teach Functional Communication 4. Adapt the Environment 5. Incorporate Visual Cues 6. Develop Predictable Routines 7. Adapt Your Interaction Style 8. Teach Alternative Behaviors 9. Provide Powerful Rewards 10. Catch ‘em Being Good 1. Understanding the Child The first […]
Read More7 Ways to Rock the Second Half of Your Career
Find yourself sliding down that slippery slope from engaged, curious, enthusiastic professional to defensive, change-resistant, entitled old geezer? At best, it’s really hard to deliver your best stuff when you’ve got a big neon “Stop All This Change Stuff Now!” sign flashing on your forehead. At worst, you may actually be putting your job in […]
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7 Ways to Short-Circuit Chronic Stress
Pretend you’re a zebra enjoying the hot African savannah. A lion is approaching. You shift into high gear and run for your life. That’s what stress was designed to do: get you out of immediate danger. But what if you’re not a zebra. Week after week you’re worried about losing your job, or getting older, […]
Read More4 Steps to Changing a Bad Habit
Ever wonder why bad habits seem so hard to stop? Researchers think it’s because our brains are eager to find energy-saving short-cuts. By turning simple routines into habits, the human brain can ramp down a bit. But because the behavior is then essentially hard-wired, it’s and more likely to be repeated without much thought. Bingo; […]
Read MoreAddiction: What Causes It
Many people do not understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. It is often mistakenly assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting takes more than good […]
Read MoreActivities for Teaching Behavior Management
I. Theories of Behavior 1. Observe a child trying to complete a task (e.g., toileting, completing a puzzle, etc.) Write a list of all of the discrete behaviors which are linked in the completion of that task. Observe another child completing that task and record for each step if the child performed the task independently […]
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