Directions:  As you observe a child’s behavior across a few different situations, answer each of these questions:

What behavior do you want to try to change?

Name and define the behavior in concrete, observable terms.  For example:  “Throws toys = any time J. picks up an object with his hand and propels it a distance of one foot or more.”


Who is the behaver?  Describe the characteristics of the child which influence his/her behavior.  For example: “J. is hypersensitive to sound, does not like to be near other children, and resists transitions between activities.”


When does the behavior occur?

Identify the time of day as well as the activity which is occurring when the behavior is likely to be exhibited.  For example, “J. tends to throw toys during free play, which is the first activity of the morning.  He also tends to throw toys toward the end of  the day, which is also less structured.”


Where does the behavior occur?

Identify where the child is when this behavior is observed.  For example “J. was observed to throw toys when he was sitting on the floor in the classroom and while he was in the gymnasium.


Why does the behavior occur?

Considering the following motivations:  attention, tangible, sensory, and escape; which does the child seem to gain from performing this behavior?



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