Go Ahead and Ask: Food Obsessions
Question: My daughter with autism is 14 and non-verbal. Over the past few years, her obsessive-compulsive behaviors have become more of a problem— particularly around issues of food, hoarding, over-eating, etc. We have tried locking the food in cabinets and in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, it has been hard for us to be consistent in locking up […]
How to Help Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Deal with Social Fears and Worries
Children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may experience anxiety symptoms more often than other children. Many children with ASD struggle with social anxiety – or fears and worries associated with social situations, such as school, parties, and outings of all kinds. The critical part about anxiety is: it usually leads to avoidance. […]
Ideas for Toilet Training Using an Alarm System
Steps: Before we introduce the alarm: Determine a schedule for trips to the bathroom for both school and home. If possible, schedule trips to the bathroom between activities (in other words, every day after lunch, or each morning on the way to breakfast). This will help Jonathon to learn to use the bathroom during these […]
Resources for Families of Twice-Exceptional Children
Autism Program at Yale (Yale School of Medicine Child Study Center) Faculty at Yale are actively involved in research, teaching, and technical assistance regarding persons with ASD who are intellectually competent/advanced. Videotaped lectures are archived and available for free on a variety of topics. See their materials for parents and professionals at http://childstudycenter.yale.edu/autism/index.aspx. Boulder (CO) […]
Resources for Families to Support Learning and Independence in School-Aged Children and Teens
Interactive Websites/Computer Resources Brainology. This is a software program designed for late elementary/middle school in particular, with the goal of improving metacognition (i.e., helping students to reflect on their own thoughts and attitudes) and developing motivation and resilience in the face of learning challenges. Brainology.comwww.brainology.us/educator/programDescription.aspxbrainology.com The interactive website may be particularly engaging for science-minded kids. […]
Summer Fun for Young Children
Summer provides a wonderful time for exploring with your children. Below are some ideas for activities to try with your children aimed at encouraging learning, sensory exploration, communication, and fun! Ideas have been adapted from the book, “More Things to Do with Toddlers and Twos,” by Karen Miller. While the ideas were designed for very […]
What is behavior?
Behavior is defined as the observable actions performed by an individual; it is what a child does and is usually expressed in verbs (e.g., runs, jumps, waits, requests). For our purposes, there are two kinds of behavior, positive and negative: By negative behavior, we mean those things that your child does that are potentially dangerous, […]
Characteristics of Autism – Training Activity
1) Form three groups of trainees and assign one child to each group. 2) Have each group member observe the child and complete the observation form independently. Trainees may interact with the child and/or interview Missy (briefly) in order to supplement their observations. (20-30 minutes) 3) Have each group discuss their observations and come up […]
Characteristics of Autism – Major Points
All children with autism demonstrate a triad of behavioral symptoms in the following areas: 1) social relating and reciprocity 2) verbal and nonverbal communication 3) restricted and repetitive activities and interests. The behavioral manifestations of autism can vary widely from child to child, and can change over time in the same child. The characteristics of […]
Characteristics of Autism: Resources
Books* Baron-Cohen, S. & Bolton, P. (1993). Autism: The Facts. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Frith, U., ed. (1993). Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Powers, M.D. (1989). Children with Autism: A Parents’ Guide. Woodbine House. Schopler, E. (1995). Parent Survival Manual: A Guide to Crisis Resolution in Autism and Related Developmental Disorders. New […]
Communication – Major Points
Every child needs to have a system of communication that can be understood by others. The development of a child’s communication system should be based on the level of communication that he/she demonstrates spontaneously. There are three primary components of communication: 1) the form of the communication (e.g., behavioral, nonverbal, verbal) 2) the function, or […]
Autism: Knowledge Center
Welcome to the Autism Knowledge Center, a collaboration between JFK Partners, University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, and WebPsychology. JFK Partners is an interdepartmental program combining the insights, research, and scholarship of the Pediatrics and Psychiatry departments of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. JFK Partners has been designated as […]