Articles About Anxiety - Panic Disorder
Anxiety – Panic Disorders: References
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Depression in Primary Care: Treatment of Major Depression.Washington DC: US Department of Health and Human Services; 1993. AGREE Collaboration. Development and validation of an international appraisal instrument for assessing the quality of clinical practice guidelines: the AGREE project. Quality and Safety in Health Care. 2003;12:18–23. [PMC free article] [PubMed] Akhondzadeh S, Naghavi […]
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Disability Systems Navigation Syndrome
My son’s disability resource coordinator asked, “How come you know more about Eli’s benefits than I do?” “Because his life depends upon it,” I replied. My response is the explanation of why I study, research, read internet postings and bulletins, frequently ask questions, investigate, think about, spearhead and manage my son Eli’s services, all of […]
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From Mortifying Meltdown to Finding Inner Peace – 10 Steps to “10% Happier”
Imagine having a panic attack in front of five million people on national television. That’s what happened to Dan Harris on Good Morning America in 2004. He was filling in for a colleague as the news anchor at the top of the hour. “It started out fine…But then, right in the middle of the second […]
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Could Stress Actually Be Good for You?
Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., a Stanford psychologist, says she no longer wants to help people get rid of their stress. Instead, she hopes to teach them to get better at stress. She suggests you start by answering this question: If you had to sum up how you feel about stress, which statement would be most accurate: […]
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7 Ways to Short-Circuit Chronic Stress
Pretend you’re a zebra enjoying the hot African savannah. A lion is approaching. You shift into high gear and run for your life. That’s what stress was designed to do: get you out of immediate danger. But what if you’re not a zebra. Week after week you’re worried about losing your job, or getting older, […]
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Manage Bipolar Disorder Through Mindfulness
Dramatic shifts in mood and energy can create havoc in the lives of those with bipolar disorder. It can be tough to hold down a job, manage everyday responsibilities, manage symptoms and maintain relationships, even if you’re taking medications or involved in therapy. That’s what prompted William Marchand, MD, to explore the value of mindfulness […]
Read MoreWhat is OCD?
What is OCD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder? It’s an anxiety disorder that can result in both obsessions and compulsions that may keep you from living your life the way you want to. As the National Institute of Mental Health says, “Everyone double checks things sometimes. For example, you might double check to make sure the stove […]
Read MoreBuspirone
Buspirone is a drug used in the treatment of feelings of extreme anxiety, such as fear, dizziness, or a pounding heartbeat. It’s an anti-anxiety medication rather than an anti-psychotic, so not a substitute for medication your healthcare provider may have prescribed for other mental health issues you’re dealing with. Buspirone comes in tablet form, may […]
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Klonopin vs. Xanax
Klonopin vs. Xanax? Both of these drugs are anti-anxiety medications called “benzodiazepines” and can be effective in the treatment of many types of anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Each, however, covers additional conditions (for example, Klonopin may also be used to treat seizures or epilepsy) and provides […]
Read MoreAutism: Drugs/Medications
Medications Some medications can help reduce symptoms that cause problems for your child in school or at home. Many other medications may be prescribed off-label, meaning they have not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a certain use or for certain people. Doctors may prescribe medications off-label if they have […]
Read MoreBorderline Personality Disorder: Living With It
Living With Borderline Personality Disorder Some people with BPD experience severe symptoms and require intensive, often inpatient, care. Others may use some outpatient treatments but never need hospitalization or emergency care. Some people who develop this disorder may improve without any treatment. How can I help a friend or relative who has BPD? If you […]
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Intrusive Thoughts
Are intrusive thoughts distracting you? Actually, everyone experiences intrusive thoughts off and on; it’s when they become so frequent that they disrupt your ability to manage your daily activities and life responsibilities that you may need to explore things a bit further. Intrusive thoughts that are ongoing and feel unmanageable may be a sign of […]
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