Articles About Counseling - Psychotherapy
Grief Counseling
Grief counseling, talking with a therapist or grief-counseling specialist about your feelings of extreme loss and sadness, can be very helpful if you feel overwhelmed by your grief and unable to move forward in your life. That grief may be from the loss of your parent, partner, spouse, child, miscarried pregnancy, friend, or even a […]
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Taking Responsibility
Step up to the plate. Take charge. Make it happen. Do something. Speak up. You’ve heard these admonitions and probably many others. But it’s always easier said than done. Whether you’re concerned about the state of the world, the nation, your neighborhood, or your organization, you probably know the feeling. You’ve found a problem and […]
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Steps for Overcoming Low Self-Esteem
Today I went to the nearby grocery store and passed by the section where they have day old bread and dented and damaged goods. It brought to mind how many individuals view themselves as damaged goods. The price mark-down shelves were an additional example of how we can make ourselves feel of lesser value than […]
Read MoreBehavior Analysis Worksheet
Teacher Presenting Case: __________________ Child’s First Name:________________________ Form completed by: ______________________ Behavioral Description from Teacher Description of behavior (What is the specific behavior problem? In what situations does it commonly occur? How often does it occur?): Description of child (What is the child’s age? How does he/she communicate? What are some things […]
Read MoreBehavior Management Survey
Parent’s Name: ____________________ Date: _________ Child’s Name: ____________________ Date of Birth: ________ Age: ____ 1. Which of the following skills does your child need help with? (check all that apply) a. Social Skills: ___ increasing eye contact ___ playing near other children ___ playing with other children ___ sharing/turn-taking ___ waiting ___ remaining […]
Read MoreFamily Resources and Further Reading
How To Share Information about Disability with Families: Practical Guidance for Practitioners Shea, V. (1984). Explaining mental retardation and autism to parents. In E. Schopler & G.B. Mesibov (Eds.), The effects of autism on the family (pp. 265-288). New York: Plenum Press. Shea, V. (1993). Interpreting results to parents of preschool children. In Schopler, M. […]
Read MoreHelping Less Verbal Youth with ASD Manage Strong Emotions
Learning Objectives: Participants will recognize how the biological features of ASD make coping (or self-regulation) very challenging, especially when a person doesn’t have easy access to language. Participants will increase awareness of the behavioral signs of escalating anxiety in youth with ASD. Participants will learn about a variety of strategies and resources that can be […]
Read MoreHow to Employ Intervention Techniques for Reducing Problem Behavior
Step 1. REINFORCING THE ABSENCE OF A NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR 1. Clearly define the negative behavior and begin the assessment process to determine the function, frequency, duration, antecedents and consequences, etc. 2. When you observe the child doing anything but the negative behavior, provide additional attention, tangible objects, stimulation, or escape from tasks or environments. Use […]
Read MoreIntervention Approaches: From Least Restrictive to More Restrictive
1. REINFORCING THE ABSENCE OF A NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR Definition: Reinforcing the absence of an undesired behavior without pinpointing or teaching a specific adaptive alternative behavior, also called “catching the child being good” When to Use: When you first begin to target a negative behavior and you need to clarify your behavioral expectations to the […]
Read MoreHow to Help Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Deal with Social Fears and Worries
Children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may experience anxiety symptoms more often than other children. Many children with ASD struggle with social anxiety – or fears and worries associated with social situations, such as school, parties, and outings of all kinds. The critical part about anxiety is: it usually leads to avoidance. […]
Read MoreSupporting Persistence in Children with Developmental Disabilities
“Persistence,” “mastery motivation,” “goal-directedness,” “causality,” “agency” are all terms that can be applied to understanding how an individual perceives his or her competence in impacting the environment or responding to task demands. Although the terminology differs depending upon one’s theoretical orientation, there is consensus across conceptual fields on the following concepts: (1) The processes of […]
Read MoreResource List for Parents and Teachers of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Life Skills
General Interventions for Home and at School The Syracuse Community-Referenced Curriculum Guide For Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. By Alison Ford, Ph.D., Roberta Schnorr, M.S., Luanna Meyer, Ph.D., Linda Davern, M.S., (Syracuse University), Jim Black, M.S., and Patrick Dempsey (Syracuse City School District. Paul H. Brooks. (1989). A collaborative effort between clinicians and educators. […]
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