
Intervention Programs

Intervention programs are designed to force someone to recognize self-destructive, damaging behaviors while surrounded by supportive loved ones, including friends and family. Many intervention programs are focused on stopping addictive behaviors such as drug or alcohol addiction or eating disorders. Intervention programs are generally a group or collaborative effort, including therapists, family members and possibly close […]

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How Can It Be Treated

Each person’s treatment will depend on the type of eating disorder, but generally it will include psychotherapy along with medical monitoring and nutritional counseling. Family-based treatment is especially important for families with children and adolescents because it enlists the families’ help to better insure healthy eating patterns and increases awareness and support. Many people receive […]

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What Causes It?

Eating disorders are very complex conditions, and scientists are still learning about the causes. Although eating disorders all have food and weight issues in common, most experts now believe that eating disorders are caused by people attempting to cope with overwhelming feelings and painful emotions by controlling food. Unfortunately, this will eventually damage a person’s […]

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Signs and Symptoms

Eating disorders are a group of related conditions that cause serious emotional and physical problems. Each condition involves extreme food and weight issues; however, each has unique symptoms that separate it from the others. Anorexia Nervosa. A person with anorexia will deny themselves food to the point of self-starvation as she obsesses about weight loss. […]

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