Articles About Personality Disorder

From Mortifying Meltdown to Finding Inner Peace – 10 Steps to “10% Happier”
Imagine having a panic attack in front of five million people on national television. That’s what happened to Dan Harris on Good Morning America in 2004. He was filling in for a colleague as the news anchor at the top of the hour. “It started out fine…But then, right in the middle of the second […]
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Histrionic Personality Disorder Symptoms
Histrionic Personality Disorder symptoms may include intense and rapidly-changing emotions, needing to be the center of attention at all times, and being highly dramatic in expression and emotion, among others. Because this type of personality disorder may be confused with a personality that is considered “high maintenance,” it’s important that any diagnosis of Histrionic Personality […]
Read MoreBorderline Personality Disorder: Living With It
Living With Borderline Personality Disorder Some people with BPD experience severe symptoms and require intensive, often inpatient, care. Others may use some outpatient treatments but never need hospitalization or emergency care. Some people who develop this disorder may improve without any treatment. How can I help a friend or relative who has BPD? If you […]
Read MoreAutism – The Basics
Every child has a unique personality. Some are outgoing, while others are shy. But there are certain kids who have trouble dealing with things that most children take in stride. They may not make eye contact or have conversations. They may not like to be touched or to hear loud sounds. If you have […]
Read MoreShould Parents Worry? Video Games and Their Impact on Children
When I started my practice almost thirty years ago, Sesame Street and the benign Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood captured our children’s attention. Disney movies proliferated throughout the video market and they followed a similar fairy tale pattern in which a hero or heroine is pursued by a villain but triumphs in the end. Children learned which […]
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Mindfulness and Six Key Elements of Psychological Well-being
What does it mean to be a psychologically healthy person? Many people assume that good mental health means feeling happy most of the time. Indeed, studies show that positive emotions have many benefits. They increase resilience to stress and encourage us to learn, grow, and bond with others. However, there’s much more to good mental […]
Read MoreFulfill Your Potential By Examining Your Mindset
You may think your success is determined by your intelligence, experience, environment, or even your personality. But research suggests that it’s your point of view – your mindset – that may be the key. The mindset you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life, says Carol Dweck, PhD, author of Mindset: […]
Read MoreEliminating Life Clutter
Your closet may be a mess, but what does your life look like? It may be time to shed your objects and obligations with an eye toward something greater than just throwing things out. You can learn to simplify your space and your life, focusing on what you need to move forward. That’s the theme […]
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Taking Responsibility
Step up to the plate. Take charge. Make it happen. Do something. Speak up. You’ve heard these admonitions and probably many others. But it’s always easier said than done. Whether you’re concerned about the state of the world, the nation, your neighborhood, or your organization, you probably know the feeling. You’ve found a problem and […]
Read MoreTemperament in Children with Developmental Disabilities
Temperament refers to a child’s behavioral style, or tendency to act in a certain way in a specific situation. Researchers define dimensions of temperament in many different ways, but most writers discuss emotionality (i.e., how intense is the child’s emotional reaction), adaptability (i.e., how well does the child adjust his/her behavior to changes in the […]
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Making and Mastering Habits
There are good habits and bad habits. The challenge is to keep your good habits and stop the bad ones. But that’s easier said than done. Habits simplify life, allowing you to do things without having to put energy into thinking about them. The brain makes a behavior into a habit whenever possible. “Because I […]
Read MorePersonality Disorders: How Can It Be Treated
At first, people with these disorders usually do not seek treatment on their own. They tend to seek help once their behavior has caused severe problems in their relationships or work. They may also seek help when they are struggling with another mental health problem, such as a mood or substance abuse disorder. Although personality […]
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