Articles About Personality

Courage By Michael H. LeBlond, PhD, MBA Licensed Psychologist How often have you heard “just feel the fear and do it anyway.” This actually is not far from the definition of courage. What courage is not is the absence of fear. When most people think of courage they think of it in one […]
Read MoreLearning How to Trust and Honor Your Own Voice
You have to love, respect, and honor yourself (and others) before you can really tackle reaching your unique potential. This is not to say that the ones you love aren’t important, that spirituality doesn’t matter, or that others don’t have wisdom you need. Instead, it’s simply to point out that you have been gifted with […]
Read MoreWorkshop Intake Sheet
Teacher’s Name (optional): ______________ 1. How many children are in your classroom? 2. What is the age range of the children in your classroom? 3. How many children in your classroom have a diagnosis of Autism or PDDNOS? 4. How many children in your classroom could serve as peer models for socialization? 5. For the […]
Read MoreA Guide to Prevention and Intervention
Assess the child’s preferences, dislikes, strengths, deficits, and motivations prior to developing a behavioral intervention. Use a data-based problem-solving approach to behavior management which incorporates observation, analysis, and on-going evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention. Teach the child a functional way of communicating how to get attention, how to obtain a desired object or sensory […]
Read MoreBehavior Management: Resources
Durand, V.M. (1990). Severe Behavior Problems: A Functional Communication Training Approach. New York: Guilford Press. Foxx, R.M. (1982). Decreasing Behaviors of Severely Retarded and Autistic Persons. Champaign, IL: Research Press. Foxx, R.M. (1982). Increasing Behaviors of Severely Retarded and Autistic Persons. Champaign, IL: Research Press. Koegel, K.L., Koegel, R.L., & Dunlap, G. (1996). Positive Behavioral […]
Read MoreAssessment in Developmental Disabilities: Tools
Assessment in Developmental Disabilities A Lecture for NSP Special Topics Course NRSC 7670 OV1 (Course Director: K. Gardiner) February 5 & 7, 2013 Presented by Susan Hepburn, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Associate Professor Departments of Psychiatry & Pediatrics/JFK Partners/University of Colorado DEVELOPMENTAL/INTELLECTUAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS (sequenced developmentally) 1. The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) (Bricker […]
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