Welcome to the Autism Knowledge Center, a collaboration between JFK Partners, University of Colorado (CU) School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, and WebPsychology.

JFK Partners is an interdepartmental program combining the insights, research, and scholarship of the Pediatrics and Psychiatry departments of the University of Colorado School of Medicine. JFK Partners has been designated as CU’s University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) and Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Program. In that role, JFK Partners has developed collaborative relationships with numerous organizations that comprise Colorado’s developmental disability and special health care needs communities, while also developing resources whose value is applicable to all who seek to improve the lives of those living with or touched by autism, regardless of location.

Developed and shared by JFK Partners, the following materials are meant to support and guide parents, family members, teachers, practitioners, and any others seeking information on best practices for dealing with autism spectrum disorders.

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