4 Steps to Changing a Bad Habit
Ever wonder why bad habits seem so hard to stop? Researchers think it’s because our brains are eager to find energy-saving short-cuts. By turning simple routines into habits, the human brain can ramp down a bit. But because the behavior is then essentially hard-wired, it’s and more likely to be repeated without much thought. Bingo; […]
Find Your Way to Flourishing

If you’ve ever paused to wonder whether you’re getting the most out of life, you’ll probably want to know more about Martin Seligman’s quest for understanding what it takes to “flourish.” A research scientist who has studied happiness, motivation and character, he argues that happiness alone isn’t really what gives live meaning. It’s more complicated […]
The Fine Art of Focusing

Just as you were starting to read this, did you suddenly stop, deciding to quickly check for that email you were expecting? No, it wasn’t there. So you’re back to the article. Then a text message calls for your attention. You send off a quick reply. And now, it’s time to focus. But, it’s not […]
Grief Counseling
Grief counseling, talking with a therapist or grief-counseling specialist about your feelings of extreme loss and sadness, can be very helpful if you feel overwhelmed by your grief and unable to move forward in your life. That grief may be from the loss of your parent, partner, spouse, child, miscarried pregnancy, friend, or even a […]
Stages of Death

Understanding the stages of death can help loved ones and caregivers understand how to best support a dying individual in the most gentle, positive way possible. There will be changes both mental and physical, and it helps to be able to recognize those changes and prepare for them. Naturally, the stages of death will vary […]
Stages of Grieving

The stages of grieving – first described by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her landmark book, On Death and Dying (1969) – include five specific stages through which we pass in order to deal with a severe loss. That loss may be of a friend, loved one (human or animal), or even a job that has […]
Creating Meaning
Say you are in your 20s or 30s or 40s, and feeling depressed and hopeless. Perhaps you feel your situation is so bleak and hopeless that you are considering suicide. Now imagine yourself in your 80s. Looking back, how would your 80-year-old self tell your life story? Perhaps you have a pet that you rescued […]
Taking Responsibility

Step up to the plate. Take charge. Make it happen. Do something. Speak up. You’ve heard these admonitions and probably many others. But it’s always easier said than done. Whether you’re concerned about the state of the world, the nation, your neighborhood, or your organization, you probably know the feeling. You’ve found a problem and […]
Steps for Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

Today I went to the nearby grocery store and passed by the section where they have day old bread and dented and damaged goods. It brought to mind how many individuals view themselves as damaged goods. The price mark-down shelves were an additional example of how we can make ourselves feel of lesser value than […]