Intrusive Thoughts

Are intrusive thoughts distracting you? Actually, everyone experiences intrusive thoughts off and on; it’s when they become so frequent that they disrupt your ability to manage your daily activities and life responsibilities that you may need to explore things a bit further. Intrusive thoughts that are ongoing and feel unmanageable may be a sign of […]
Intervention Programs

Intervention programs are designed to force someone to recognize self-destructive, damaging behaviors while surrounded by supportive loved ones, including friends and family. Many intervention programs are focused on stopping addictive behaviors such as drug or alcohol addiction or eating disorders. Intervention programs are generally a group or collaborative effort, including therapists, family members and possibly close […]

Catastrophizing is the mental and emotional process of thinking that the probable results of an event (or possible event) are much, much worse than is likely. You worry incessantly about a situation and foresee only the worst possible outcomes. Basically a type of anxiety, catastrophizing can keep you from taking the healthy risks you need […]
Relationship Boundaries

Are you good at setting healthy relationship boundaries? This skill is critical to building a relationship that balances closeness with independence, which is key to all healthy relationships. And it’s a skill that’s just as important to practice with friends and family members as it is with romantic partners. Setting relationship boundaries – both emotional […]
What is Consciousness?

What is consciousness? This question has challenged philosophers, scholars, and psychologists for centuries, and may never be resolved from a philosophical or metaphysical level. A simple definition of consciousness is to be awake and aware of your surroundings; another definition is your awareness or perception of something (from the beauty of a sunset to the […]
What is Forgiveness?

What is forgiveness? What does it mean to forgive someone, or yourself? Most psychologists would define forgiveness as a conscious choice to let go of your feelings of resentment, anger, or need for revenge toward a person(s) who has harmed you in some way. The key issue, however, is that this is a choice you […]

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback method whose goal is to help train you to manage your own brain functions. The goal is to provide you with tools you can use to help your brain stay calm and focused, an especially helpful outcome for children, teens, and adults diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Usually performed in a […]

Countertransference is related to the original term “transference,” through which (according to Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud) patients transferred their feelings from key individuals in their early lives onto their therapist. Countertransference is a similar concept, but involves the therapist transferring emotional reactions (positive or negative) onto the patient. Although countertransference will not necessarily damage the […]
What is Happiness?
What is happiness? Psychologist Dr. Ed Diener identifies happiness, or “subjective well-being,” as a combination of two things: life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions. Another leading psychology researcher, Dr. Martin Seligman, describes it as three elements: pleasure, engagement, and meaning, with the last two having the greatest impact on living a happy […]
Getting the Help You Need – Fast
One of the challenges of living with a mental health issue – either yours or that of someone whose life you’re involved in – is that sometimes an incident quickly escalates from “under control” to crisis level. If you need help immediately, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) lists several resources on […]
Definition Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills. Alternative Names Pervasive developmental disorder – autism; Autistic spectrum disorder Causes, incidence, and risk factors Autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain. […]
Autism: Treatments
Treatments While there’s no proven cure yet for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), treating ASD early, using school-based programs, and getting proper medical care can greatly reduce ASD symptoms and increase your child’s ability to grow and learn new skills. Early intervention Research has shown that intensive behavioral therapy during the toddler or preschool years can […]