Articles About Separation Anxiety Disorder

Disability Systems Navigation Syndrome
My son’s disability resource coordinator asked, “How come you know more about Eli’s benefits than I do?” “Because his life depends upon it,” I replied. My response is the explanation of why I study, research, read internet postings and bulletins, frequently ask questions, investigate, think about, spearhead and manage my son Eli’s services, all of […]
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Manage Bipolar Disorder Through Mindfulness
Dramatic shifts in mood and energy can create havoc in the lives of those with bipolar disorder. It can be tough to hold down a job, manage everyday responsibilities, manage symptoms and maintain relationships, even if you’re taking medications or involved in therapy. That’s what prompted William Marchand, MD, to explore the value of mindfulness […]
Read MoreBuspirone
Buspirone is a drug used in the treatment of feelings of extreme anxiety, such as fear, dizziness, or a pounding heartbeat. It’s an anti-anxiety medication rather than an anti-psychotic, so not a substitute for medication your healthcare provider may have prescribed for other mental health issues you’re dealing with. Buspirone comes in tablet form, may […]
Read MoreWhat is OCD?
What is OCD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder? It’s an anxiety disorder that can result in both obsessions and compulsions that may keep you from living your life the way you want to. As the National Institute of Mental Health says, “Everyone double checks things sometimes. For example, you might double check to make sure the stove […]
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Klonopin vs. Xanax
Klonopin vs. Xanax? Both of these drugs are anti-anxiety medications called “benzodiazepines” and can be effective in the treatment of many types of anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Each, however, covers additional conditions (for example, Klonopin may also be used to treat seizures or epilepsy) and provides […]
Read MoreAutism: Drugs/Medications
Medications Some medications can help reduce symptoms that cause problems for your child in school or at home. Many other medications may be prescribed off-label, meaning they have not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a certain use or for certain people. Doctors may prescribe medications off-label if they have […]
Read MoreAutism: Living With It
Living With Autism Spectrum Disorder After your child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), you may feel unprepared or unable to provide your child with the necessary care and education. Know that there are many treatment options, social services and programs, and other resources that can help. Some tips that can help you and […]
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Catastrophizing is the mental and emotional process of thinking that the probable results of an event (or possible event) are much, much worse than is likely. You worry incessantly about a situation and foresee only the worst possible outcomes. Basically a type of anxiety, catastrophizing can keep you from taking the healthy risks you need […]
Read MoreAutism: Risk Factors & Diagnosis
Who Is At Risk? Studies measuring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prevalence—the number of children affected by ASD over a given time period—have reported varying results, depending on when and where the studies were conducted and how the studies defined ASD. A survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of health and school records of […]
Read MoreAutism
Definition Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain’s normal development of social and communication skills. Alternative Names Pervasive developmental disorder – autism; Autistic spectrum disorder Causes, incidence, and risk factors Autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain. […]
Read MoreAutism: Treatments
Treatments While there’s no proven cure yet for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), treating ASD early, using school-based programs, and getting proper medical care can greatly reduce ASD symptoms and increase your child’s ability to grow and learn new skills. Early intervention Research has shown that intensive behavioral therapy during the toddler or preschool years can […]
Read MoreShould Parents Worry? Video Games and Their Impact on Children
When I started my practice almost thirty years ago, Sesame Street and the benign Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood captured our children’s attention. Disney movies proliferated throughout the video market and they followed a similar fairy tale pattern in which a hero or heroine is pursued by a villain but triumphs in the end. Children learned which […]
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