Just as you were starting to read this, did you suddenly stop, deciding to quickly check for that email you were expecting?

No, it wasn’t there. So you’re back to the article.

Then a text message calls for your attention. You send off a quick reply. And now, it’s time to focus.

But, it’s not so easy any more.  We live in an era of virtually unstoppable distractions, a world in which our portable mini-machines command our attention, molding our brain circuitry and even changing the way we connect with others.

Next time you’re in a restaurant you’re likely to see a majority of diners pulling out their smart phones, interrupting their conversations to check the status of their digital world.

Daniel Goleman, a science writer and author of Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, says our digital addiction is reducing our ability to sustain concentration. It’s getting harder and harder to read a book, zero in on a problem we’ve got to solve or even just enjoy an un-interrupted weekend with our families.

“The onslaught of incoming data leads to sloppy shortcuts,” writes Goleman. It’s not just that we’ve developed habits of attention that make us less effective, but we’re left with too little time simply to reflect.  So we’re less productive and feel less satisfied with whatever it is we’re doing.

Learning to focus also has a role in developing willpower, which can be critical to succeeding at everything from sticking to a diet to being able to study, or keep a job. “Decades of research results show the singular importance of willpower in determining the course of life,” Goleman points out. 

Of course, we’re not going to throw out our digital tools. But Goleman says research suggests ways we can strengthen our ability to focus our attention where it needs to be. “Attention works much like a muscle – use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grows.”

There is no one simple way to fine-tune your ability to stay focused, but Goleman offers a range of suggestions:

Golemann says it doesn’t matter why you want to improve your ability to avoid distractions. “Whether we’re trying to hone a skill in sports or music, enhance our memory power, or listen better, the core elements of smart practice are the same: ideally, a potent combination of joy, smart tactics and full focus.”

Learn more:  Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence; by Daniel Goleman, HarperCollins Publishers, 2013.

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